Friday, February 14

See What’s Going On “Between Friends”

Photos by Ty Joseph

Savannah Hudson, Brennan Benko, and Brandon Hudson are BETWEEN FRIENDS (the band formerly known as HEIRS.)

Savannah: Brandon, I have a question for you. So I’m your sister…
Brandon: This is true. How did we meet? Well I remember one moment exactly when our parents had just had little Savannah and I walked into the room and I was pretty freaked out by you. You were like this little, tiny thing and I wan’t expecting to have something else in the Life of Brandon but, there you were. So I brought flowers in and… you freaked me out a little bit. Wonderful. That’s good.

Brandon: So, my friends, you named your group BETWEEN FRIENDS. What do you think about friendships in Los Angeles?
Savannah: I think friendships are extremely important and the reason that we’re Between Friends is because we are friends at the stem of the relationship. Um, and I think it’s important to find people that you get along with to do things with them and to have experiences with them that will change you as a person and will help you grow.
Brennan: Not to mention, we all met in Los Angeles.We did. Look at us! Cheers!

Brandon: Savannah, do you have a best girl friend in LA, or are you still searching?
Savannah: I have many friends. Many, many friends. That’s true. Of all sexes. Lots of ones that are women and lots of male friends, like you guys. I wouldn’t say I really like one more than the other, but they’re all wonderful in their own ways.The relationships need to remain neutral, I think that’s important. Genderless? No I meant like, you don’t want to pick one over the other. Right, they’re all different.
Brennan: On even ground. No friendship is better than another. No hierarchy there.

Brandon: So our genre. What is laptop dream pop? Friends, answer this.
[Everyone sips tea quietly]

Brandon: Moving on. What are some of your goals as a band for the next year?
Brennan & Savannah: Travel. Yup, travel is good.

Brandon: Do you think LA nightlife is special in any way?
Savannah: Yes. Why? I would say in many ways actually. I think that there’s a certain essence to the nightlife in LA and when people like us go out it’s magical, in a sense. You meet people, you have new experiences, you don’t check the time, you don’t check your phone… Until 2AM when the bars close…
Brennan: Well there’s a reason that Los Angeles nightlife is portrayed in TV and film so often and that’s because it’s very, very unique. Cinematic. Significant. Absolutely. I met you out, Ty. Isn’t that crazy? I met him out and about.
Ty: Oh did we? I thought we met at my birthday party when Morgan brought you here. Maybe we met once before and I took a picture of you guys and then the second time was here. Yup, it was a great time.

Brandon: Are there any special places in LA where you most enjoy playing or hanging out at?
Brennan: I do love Balboa Lake. It’s a nice little escape.
Savannah: I think Lookout spots in LA are very special. I go to one as often as possible. Laurel Canyon I think was a very special place to us growing up. Savannah and I grew up there and there’s something about the energy, something about the vibe that was very special.
Brennan: I think we can all agree that Topanga Canyon is a special place for us now. Stoney Point is a nice rock.
Savannah: A good rock to climb, yes. Everywhere in LA is great. Chinatown. Chinatown.

Brandon: So who’s the most inspiring person you’ve met in LA?
Savannah: You Brandon. Well, thank you.

Brennan: I would have to say you guys. I don’t think there’s any other appropriate answer for myself. I feel very inspired right now and I have for the duration of our friendship. I feel the same way, I’m very inspired by you guys all the time.
Savannah: It’s a nice, collaborative group.

Brandon: Is there anyone you’re dying to meet that you have not met yet?
Savannah: Oh. Stevie Nicks. I’ve met her many times… in my dreams. One day. What about you Brennan?
Brennan: Goodness. There’s such a huge list. It’s hard to think of anyone in particular now… Ty, is there anyone that you’re dying to meet?
Ty: Um, yeah. My future wife.
Brennan: I second that. That’s my answer as well.
Ty: My future second wife. And my future kids. Definitely. Beautiful.

Brandon: Who is the biggest troublemaker in the group and who is the responsible one?
Brennan: Brandon is the biggest troublemaker. I would have to agree with that. Savannah kinda wrangles us up, you’re both kind of even with the responsibility.
Brennan: I feel I’m decently responsible in my own ways.
Savannah: Yes. You’re responsible. Maybe I’m just slightly more responsible when it comes to us as a group.
Brennan: OK… I agree.
[All laughing]

Brandon: So do you have any talents?
Savannah: Um. I don’t know… I think you know.
Brennan: Do the trumpet.
Savannah: I have a secret talent. I can perfectly sound like a trumpet with my mouth.

Ty: Well we all wanna hear it.
Savannah: You have to promise not to look at me.
[Everyone covers their eyes, Savannah plays a single note and starts laughing.]
Savannah: Ok well maybe I’ll show you another time… Well that was really good, but can you do, like a few notes? I can do a whole song. I can do any song. Can you do, like the beginning of a familiar song?
Brandon: We won’t look.
[Everyone covers their eyes again and Savannah plays a few notes that sound just like a jazz trumpet.]
Brennan: For a moment, I was in the jazz club. Or like Vegas in the seventies for a second. Just amazing, thanks for that.

Brandon: Alright, thanks for having us over man, the tea is lovely.

Ty: Oh it’s always a pleasure. Good luck with all your travels.

Brennan: Oh and good luck with your future wife and kids… And the second one.

Ty: I appreciate that, thank you.

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